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You left out Cherokee, Ottawa, Zuni and such. #FAIL

In Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction voice: “Go on, ask a person of Indian origin if they speak “Indian”, ask one more time. See what happens.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

@paninid Hindi, I can understand, bc it's the tongue of so many North Indians in different states, but Gujarati? Plus, you're forgetting Bangladeshis, the Bangali-speakers will have a field day with that.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

@paninid Oh, it's that whole "Indian? Dot or feather?" thing. Haha, isn't it funny that Christopher Columbus made a mistake, and instead of murdering all OUR ancestors, he came here and murdered these people instead. I don't think he ever actually touched down on the U.S. landmass, did he?
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Ya, @Sampath Pāṇini ® -- not all Indian Americans have a heritage from Asia. How 'bout that. Perhaps it was your intent to make the distinction by avoiding the term "American Indian", hm? Doesn't actually work tho.
in reply to Clara Listensprechen

People, it's called "common usage" in English. Even Native Americans call themselves Indian, and there's no defense for anybody except for the people who don't get which you're talking about. Spare a thought for people who have to listen to you because without them, you're just spittin' in the wind. The audience is who I'm defending.

A little bird told me that when #Threads will be totally into #ActivityPub then #Mastodon will mysteriously lose the ability to block entire domains/servers... 🐦

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#WingedWednesday #butterflies #nature #myphoto #mywork

It was hard to capture all the Southern Dogface Sulfurs that were mobbing my Catmint, so this is as good as it got.

in reply to Clara Listensprechen

#WingedWednesday #butterflies #nature #myphoto #mywork

The Southern Dogfaces were manically flitting around so I'd definitely need a higher speed camera than what I've got.

#WingedWednesday #butterflies #nature #myphoto #mywork

Only one of these Eastern Black Swallowtails is interested in more than dinner. She's effectively blocked him while dining and is now giving him the run-around.

Diaspora is the worst, and I speak from experience.

Your Open-Source Client Options In The Non-Mastodon Fediverse | Hackaday

Mastodon uses an open protocol that runs on distributed servers that loosely join together, forming the “Fediverse”.

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#WingedWednesday #butterflies #nature #myphoto #mywork

Rush hour at the diner. More Common Buckeyes and only one Red Admiral. Red Admirals dominated the rush hour just 2 days ago.

Quite surprised at how petrol-centric TX and OK look on this map. As I write this, there's been a huge hue/cry raised over the proposed Skeleton Creek Solar Farm. Petrol won't go quietly, clearly. U.S. Wind Resources, Wind Farms and Electric Transmission #Energy

U.S. cities would call that an outrage against the Code Department and demand that it be cut down and mowed inside of 30 days. Its legal label is "noxious weeds". We really do live in a beautiful country this time of year #CasualUK #UnitedKingdom

The further away you live from things, if you live in the suburbs, the more unfair spending the government is doing on you compared to what you are giving them in taxes.

stefani banerian reshared this.

in reply to anubis2814

I should say, rather, I've never been "invited" to those locations.
<cough />
in reply to stefani banerian

@stefani banerian Yes me either. Im too low class. Growing up i always thought we were middle class. We were working class cusp between low and middle class. Referred to some people as upper middle class and my partner keeps telling me, no they are just middle class. My mind is still blown.

Activist group Occupy Democrats also wrote "This is a stunning betrayal of the American justice system. Judge Cannon should be removed from the bench immediately. It's undeniable now that she's a partisan MAGA operative."

in reply to anubis2814

Boomers look at you and your cartoon with the same glare as Millennials et al have in your cartoon. Foul.

Just letting everyone know that I shared misinformation that Austrian airport has its own desk for people who thought they were going to Australia. That is not even a little true. I will sit here with my shame for sharing bad facts.
in reply to anubis2814

So that's one of your uncles misrepresenting Boomers in your cartoon. You need to change the label.

As if it's only Zoomers who are "disillusioned by both parties" Nobody gets to tell me that Ralph Nader is a Zoomer.

Gen Z's Political Paradox

#genz #youth

Putin is stuck in WWII as is Netanyahu, while the GOP is stuck in the US Civil War. They all should be sent packing to the year 1900 and should never ever come back.

For Moscow, the war in Ukraine is a rerun of World War II

The Kremlin presents its war in Ukraine as a continuation of Moscow’s fight against Nazism in World War II. An exhibition of captured arms illustrates how. #press

Ten years later the financial regulators are getting off their asses like they did with other scammers behind Theranos and Nikola. About f’in them time! #ElonMusk #tesla

Oh my gosh... 🤨

The #enshitfication process is running faster than I thought... 🤔

And now we are converting the #fediverse as a market for selling stuff... Even #CrapAI that are going to create a resume of your stream for you...

Congrats geniuses... 👏👏👏

I reiterate my last #gemlog


Once again I love the diversity of networks I can see with Friendica. The last ~50 posts in my main timeline included posts from: Diaspora, PixelFed, Mastodon, SocialHome, Bluesky, and Pleroma. Thank you Friendica and the fediverse. #friendica #fediverse
in reply to elmussol

Oh yes lots more networks but those weren’t in my feed when I scrolled through right before posting :)

I did my first heavy leg day in a month, but not as heavy as the last one that I felt fo ra week. I was pretty tight yesterday morning so did an easy run but followed by lots of walking throughout the day. I'm feeling it a lot more today. Time to work out the beef jerky! #running #exercise #fitness

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in reply to Inkican

That will definitely be incorporated. I'm thinking a light 30 minute Peloton session (all Zone 1) followed by a 15-20 minute Focus Flow for Runners/Riders yoga class followed by foam rolling.
Both Parties are NOT the same. Only 3 Blue states gets a D/F rating. Red states ACTIVELY gerrymander. If Oregon and and Nevada get Ranked choice voting this year, they will go grey just like with AK and ME, because gerrymandering is much less effective with RCV.
The GOP has 10, and that doesn't even cover prison Gerrymandering where prisoners who can't vote are counted in the counties they are held, so those areas get a massive boost in their voting power. In most cases the GOP doesn't care about representing everyone equally, only the people they can get away with to seize power. The house swapped right after redistricting even though voting habits didn't change at all from 2020 to 2022.

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Someone at my job owns a #cybertruck .Yes it looks as dumb as you think, and I'm looking forward to seeing it continue to tarnish and ruse over time. #incelcamino

#onthisdayin2022 We were freaking out about the loss of reproductive rights
#OnThisDayIn2023 The were a white supremacist mass shooting that had just occurred.

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America is a war zone, just a guerrilla warfare zone, when the right kills and ambushes anyone it doesn't like under the right circumstances and then gets away legally. State sponsored terrorism

You couldn’t make scooby doo today because the rich people would just kill them and not get arrested

@TimHarford just did a podcast about this very issue and the way the holiday has changed since Anna proposed it.

unfriendly reminder that “humans are a parasite on the earth/the earth will heal once we exterminate ourselves“ is ecofascist rhetoric.

humanity isn’t killing the planet. a small handful of capitalists are. humans lived here in symbiosis with our environs for tens of thousands of years and we can do it again. It is specifically capitalism & settler colonialism and its defenders that insist the current endless cycle of extraction and exploitation is the only way, and they are LIARS